Thursday, October 18, 2007

2 days and counting

So we are down to 2 days. Exactly 50 hours from this moment I will be in the water waiting for the cannon to go off. I feel ready...finally! I had a good run yesterday morning and a good ride yesterday afternoon. My body feels loose and for the first time in about a month I slept more then 7 hours last night. I forgot what it felt like to sleep so well. Granted I woke up horizontal on the bed but at least I was sleeping. Getting the rental house was probably the best thing to do since it feels like "home" and is actually really relaxing. If we could just get the pool and hot tub temps to work out then it would be great. Yesterday morning the hot tub was about 80 and the pool was about 100. We are hoping for a much cooler pool today and a much warmer hot tub.

My nerves have been calmed a little this week, surprisingly, and I am looking forward to going to Epcot today with the family. It will be nice to get my mind off of the race for a day. I am so glad that my family is here to share this experience with me. Unlike all the other races I've done and traveled to by myself I am happy to have my mom, dad, and sister here to support me during this race. They are in for a long day too on Saturday!

Time for some coffee...

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