Tuesday, November 3, 2009
3 weeks later
It has been a long year of training and it has been nice to have some time to myself these past few weeks. I have gotten a chance to catch up with some friends, meet some new people, and spend quality time with my dog. As my body has been resting and repairing itself I have been job searching. Since I haven't really been employed in 2009, my whole year revolved around training for two races, now that the second race is over I've begun the job searching process. Believe it or not it is harder to get a phone call from a company then it is training for a ridiculous race. There are so many people out of work that there is so much competition even for the most entry level of jobs. Employers have it made...the unemployed have a tough road ahead. I am job searching with the same level of dedication as I gave my triathlon training and am hoping that something will happen soon.
It only took a few days for the muscle pain to go away but my heart rate is still pretty high. I've swam a few times, biked a few times and even run some. It has been nice going out for an hour bike ride or a five mile run. The 200+ mile bike rides and the 30+ mile runs were getting old. I've found the joy I have been missing in working out. It's good to know that I still enjoy this multi sport lifestyle after my race. As I sit here searching the job boards and writing this post I am thinking about what the 2010 season will hold for me. I have some ideas but I made a promise to someone that I would not commit to anything until after I found a job and got settled in there. I took a year off from my professional career to focus on something personal. Now it's time to shift that focus back to my professional career and personal relationships. Training is now on the back burner.
I wanted to share a video created by Sam Pasceri of his triple iron race this year. Though I did not personally meet Sam (since his race started 24 hours before mine) during my 29+ hours of racing we shared the same battlefield. Every time I watch this video I get choked up and I wanted to share it with all of you. I've spent a whole year trying to explain to people why I would want to attempt something so ridiculous and Sam captured my thoughts and feelings at the beginning of his video. It is nice to know that there are more people out there that feel the same as I do. We come from different walks of life but we all share the same desire to discover something deep within ourselves. It truly was an experience that forever has changed my life.
Enjoy the video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lienORgckOo
Thanks again for all of your support this past year. I would not have made it through my training without the support of my friends and family.
Thank you Tracy, Becky, Melissa and Bob for literally being there every step of the way.
Thank you Peter for your coaching and guidance and showing me that anything is possible.
Everyone has been asking me what is next. What is my next physical accomplishment going to be? I spent the last 12 hours of my race telling my crew that there is no way I would ever attempt the triple iron. I kept saying, "why would you do that to your body". When I woke up Monday morning, 18 hours after I finished my race, my first thought was- I wonder if I could finish the triple. That said, go back and watch the beginning of Sam's video again and you'll understand.
Congrats to Sam Pasceri and all the finishers of the triple iron and to all the finishers of the double iron. It was such an honor to share the battlefield with such an amazing group of people.
See you next year!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Race Report
First off, I want to thank my support crew. Without the help of Tracy, Becky, Melissa and Bob there is no way I would have finished in such good spirits nor would I have had the same race experience. These four individuals made it possible for me to achieve my goal of completeing the 2009 Virginia Double Iron. I owe them more then I could ever repay and forever will be in their debt. Secondly, I need to thank my coach, Peter Kotland. There were many times during the past few months that I questioned why he had me doing such long workouts. I said many times over the past few months that he was crazy and trying to kill me. I now see why he had me doing what I did. He told me the race would seem easier than the training was- he was right. The race was certainly not easy but it was so much easier than the past few months of training. Thanks to him for preparing me the way he did. A big thanks also goes to the race director, the volunteers and all the other athletes. It was an honor to share the field of battle with such a talented group of people.
As a result of Peter's training, on my first attempt at the 281.2 mile distance, I placed 7th overall. My official finishing time was 29 hours and 30 minutes. I didn't know this until it was to late but I was 27 minutes from finishing in 5th place. My goal was to finish between 32 and 33 hours and secretly I was hoping to do it in 30 hours. I finished 30 minutes faster then I even dreamed possible. Wow...I am still in shock and disbelief. Maybe I am cut out for this longer stuff. Enough rambling- lets get to the race.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Its the final countdown
Yesterday I drove up to Lake Anna and after 6 hours in the car I finally reached my destination. I forgot how beautiful it was up here. Some of the leaves are starting to change and the park is located in the middle of nowhere. It is so quiet and so peaceful. I am staying in a camp cabin in the state park for the four nights I am up here. Of course I will not be sleeping on Saturday night so make that 3 nights! The campground is completely empty except for the other athletes. I have seen a few of them around their campers and cabins. They all look so focused. Most of them waved and said hello but a few of them just stared at me when I waved to them. This certainly is a different caliber of athletes than I am used to being around. With only four Double Iron distances races in the world the 20 competitors have come from all over the world for this race.
As I sit in a Panera Bread using the free Wi-Fi I have a million emotions and thoughts going through my mind and body. I didn't sleep well last night despite taking a Unisom sleep melt (thanks for the recommendation Scott) and drinking a beer. I kept hearing sounds outside the cabin. It kept waking me up because the state park is so quiet except for these sounds coming from nearby. It sounded like someone was dragging something across the floor of the cabin. I thought something might be underneath the bed and my heart raced. Finally at about 1:00am I got the courage to get out of bed and investigate.
Lesson #1- never leave your cooler outside on the porch. I was robbed by some four legged creature in the night! He passed up the milk, beer, and cottage cheese but did take (and I am thinking consumed) a sandwich, a package of cheese slices, 2 packages of Hormel Canadian bacon, and started molesting the Half-n-Half. Bastard!!! Now I have to drive 40 minutes away from the park to the closest grocery store- hence me finding a place with free Wi-Fi.
Once I got the cooler into the cabin I laid back down but kept tossing and turning. At 1:30am my cell phone started ringing. The number read "Restricted". It rang 3 times between 1:30 and 1:39am so I just shut it off and threw it across the cabin. Forget falling back asleep now! I must have tossed and turned until about 3:00am before falling back asleep only to wake up again at 5:20am and then decided to just stay awake. As soon as the sun rose I was out on the bike riding the course. I have way to much nervous energy.
I have a few more items to pick up at the grocery store this morning, including the items that were taken by my midnight visitor, then I am heading back to the cabin. Tracy and Becky should be there between 2:00 and 3:00 this afternoon and then Melissa and Bob will be up here later this evening. Yesterday I was excited and ready to have fun this weekend...right now I am so sick to my stomach I could barely eat breakfast and have been staring at this blueberry muffin for the past 30 minutes. "What was I thinking" keeps repeating in my head.
Today is sunny and suppose to be close to 80...the weekend...not so much. Let's just hope the 50% chance of rain doesn't mean 24+ hours of rain. There is nothing I can do about it though so I've instructed my crew to constantly remind me that I am having fun.
Time to make my way back to the state park so I can watch the triple iron racers finish their 7.2 mile swim and start their 336 mile bike leg. At least I am not doing the triple iron race (this year at least)!
Tomorrow at 7:00am it begins: Swim 4.8 miles, bike 224 miles, run 52.4 miles. Thanks to everyone for their constant support these past few months. I would not have made it here without you. Here goes nothing...
Monday, October 5, 2009
What we're afraid of; we find out what we're made of
My biggest fear in life is being alone.
It has taken a while to come to that conclusion but the more I thought about it the more it all made sense. I fear being alone and have for as long as I can remember. I fear living a life without that special person to share experiences with. That said, why would I make the decision to train for an event that:
a) puts me in a situation that I do most of the training alone, by myself for hours on end
b) use training as a way to push people away, an excuse not to get involved with someone
Essentially- the more I train the more I feel alone. Nice way to live huh! Go back now to the quote, "What we're afraid of; we find out what we're made of." I now am cognizant of what I am afraid of so it is time to find out what I'm made of. What better way to face that fear than being on the verge of starting a multi-day endurance event. Five days from this very moment the gun will go off and I will begin the swim portion of my race. Once I enter the water there will be no turning back. My only option is to move forward. Over the course of the 281.2 miles I will be tested, both physically and mentally, like never before. When I cross the finish line sometime on Sunday afternoon I will have faced this fear and will explored a new part of myself. In essence, I will emerge from this experience a changed person.
The race is so close now but without even starting the race I've found the answer to the question I've been wanting to know. I know what I am afraid of- I simply don't want to be alone. As I sit here typing this post and thinking about the race I feel at peace with what lies ahead of me, both the race next weekend and what comes after that. I smile and kind of chuckle to myself when thinking about what I am about to do. What I am about to put my body through and for why...
Despite all of this I have no regrets, life keeps getting better every day, and I'm ready to take on this race and begin a new chapter in my life.
5 days...5 days
Friday, October 2, 2009
Something is out there...in the darkness
I'm now eight days away from the race. In just over a week I will be standing on the edge of a lake staring down the buoy line. It will be 7:00am and the sun will barely be up which will make the lake appear even darker. As I sit here now and close my eyes visualizing the swim portion of the race I can only think one thing- I just don't know what's out there. I don't know what is the water but more importantly I don't know what this race holds for me. I don't know what is going to happen during the course of the 281.2 miles. It will be a long day and a half and I am full of uncertainty. It is the uncertainty that has been waking me up at night and keeping me from sleeping in the mornings. That is the allure of this race for me. The uncertainty is what made me sign up for it. It is the uncertainty that has fueled my motivation to stick with the training day in and day out. It is what has helped me to discover new things about myself each time I push myself close to my physical limits. Next Saturday when the gun goes off and we make our way into the water the journey of self discovery continues. I don't know what will happen out there nor do I know what I will learn along the way. It will be uncharted territory and everything will be new.
This coming Sunday I will be driving up to a local sprint triathlon to cheer on some friends. This will be the first race I have been to in months and the first one in a years that I have been to but not participated in. While most people have been training and racing pretty regularly throughout the year I have been on my bicycle week in and week out preparing for just one day. I am so excited to be able to cheer on friends and just be around the excitement and the energy of a race. I feel that this will really help with my motivation and the anxiety I am experiencing about my race. It is so powerful to see people cross the finish line and achieve their goals. I am getting misty-eyed just thinking about it. Side note- If anyone in Charlotte wants to head up there with me on Sunday morning let me know!
Go Sarah and Jocelyn!
My training volume is substantially reduced, I've cut out the alcohol until after the race and will start my caffeine taper tomorrow. The time is drawing near...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Where is my edge?
The other day while working at the store I overheard a customer talking about his first ironman experience. It made me think back to the night before my first iron distance race. I remember being so nervous. I didn't know if I'd be able to do it. Would it be possible to cover the distances of all three sports in one day and before the cut-off time? I'd never done that before and was full of uncertainty. Two years and several races later I am still nervous and still full of uncertainty. This time is a little different though. This time I am not worried about covering the distances of all three sports. Peter has turned me into a machine and I am confident in my ability to get out of the water and off the bike. The run will be a different story but I think it will be manageable. What I am worried about this time is how my body is going to react to 30+ ,or so, hours of constant motion and no sleep. I've never been up for 24 hours intentionally before and I certainly haven't been in constant motion for that long either.
I have been told many times in the past few months that the human body is not designed to be doing what I am doing. I am in total agreement with that statement. It has taken me a while to come to terms with that but I do agree that this is just not normal. What I am subjecting my body to is not healthy and not what it is intended to do. Still, I push further and keep going. A few years ago at Death Camp I first heard Steve Watkins say, "You don't know where the edge is until you step over it." Since then that quote has stuck with me. Where is my edge? At what point will I totally break down and not be able to continue moving forward?
Do I really want to know the answers to those last two questions? Well you know what- in 12 days I will be one step closer to finding my edge. However, I am hoping I do not step over it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Let's do this!
I got my schedule from Peter tonight and this coming week's training looks tough but doable. I have to work this coming weekend so we scheduled my workouts around it. This week's schedule continues with reduced volume but has much more intensity then I am used to. I think I may actually be starting to taper. Woohoo! With the exception of one accidental drunken night on Wednesday I took full advantage of my recovery week. I ate well and slept as much as possible. I am looking forward to the coming week and haven't been this optimistic and peppy in weeks.
It has been a good week but even better than that - it has been a fantastic weekend. My mood is elated, my body rested and my mind renewed. Let's do this!!! 20 days to go and feeling good.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Welcome to the Squirrel Cage!
I want to use part of Shane's article in my post, and yes I did contact him asking if I could do so, because now that the race is getting closer I want you to see how the race is set up. Pretty much all of the following paragraph comes directly from Shane's article since he did such a good job of explaining it.
Most ultra-triathlons are called “squirrel cage races”. They consist of multiple swim, bike and run laps, over a short, gently rolling or flat course. In my race, the Virginia Double Iron, the course consists of 12 out-and-back swim laps, followed by 45 out-and-back bike laps and 26 out-and-back run laps. You might think such a short course for such long races might make a multi-day race monotonous. However, the course is quite beautiful, on quiet roads in a state park. The short out-and-back repetitions allow each athlete to return to the race center every 20-60 minutes This provides the athletes with access to his/her “pit area” for food, clothing, equipment changes and crew support. This frequent “check-in” offers a sense of security, as the athlete endures such a daunting task. Unlike most conventional races on longer courses, ultra-triathlons allow pacers to accompany athletes. The short laps make it easy for spouses and other crew members to take turns accompanying their athletes. Over multiple laps, the athlete gains intimate familiarity with the course, honing a perfect strategy for the greatest efficiency and economy. The age-old expression, “Practice makes perfect” really holds true for such courses. Short lap lengths also mean the athlete has an accurate, continuous measure of progress.
When I explain the course to people they think that is even crazier then the event itself. To prepare myself for the course I have finished up the majority of my long rides around Charlotte's own 2.97 mile Booty Loop. I try to get between 30 and 50 miles in on the Booty Loop at the end of my Saturday rides. It sounds boring but Shane was right about a sense of security. I find it comforting when I am completely fatigued to know exactly where I am and where I am going.
Three weeks from this very day I will make the drive up to Lake Anna. I've already started packing some items and making many different lists. Since this is an unsupported race and I have a support crew coming with me I don't want to forget anything. I want to take good care of my support crew since they will be taking good care of me. So who are these people who are willing to devote an entire sleepless weekend to helping me achieve my goal? My support crew is my sister, one of my cousins, and two of my favorite people/BFF's (ha ha...I just had to use BFF).
Tracy, Becky, Bob and Melissa will be there for me through each and every lap of the three sports. Melissa says she's just going to the race to drink beer and watch me suffer but I think she'll probably run a few laps with me. I can't thank these four enough for being willing to help me through this. I think we all know its not going to be pretty. The race will be tough and I am sure I will hit some extreme lows during both the bike and run. Knowing I have such an amazing crew with me will certainly make a huge difference and help to set my mind at ease. Thanks crew! Your hard work will be rewarded at the winery during the award ceremony on Sunday night.
23 days until race day. My stomach turns more and more quickly each time I think about it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Failure and Success
First let me explain why it had such an impact. When the alarm went off on Saturday morning the first thing I said to myself was, "damn I'm tired". I should have known better and gone back to sleep but I stuck with my routine and got up. I was out on the bike by 4:00am and within the first hour knew it was going to be a tough day. I just didn't have anything to give. My legs were tired, they felt so heavy and I was moving slower then I ever have on the bike. To make things worse it was dark and I was cold. I just wanted to quit. At 8:00am I headed over to the store to lead the group ride and was hoping nobody would be there. I had decided I was going to call it a day if nobody showed up. There was someone in the parking lot...one person...I guess the ride was on. I led (from behind I might add) a 60 mile ride and was struggling to hold on. I watched my speed drop with each hour. Nothing was working to get me moving faster or feeling better. I got back from that ride and had only ridden 120 miles. I was done. I went home and laid down for 30 minutes until the guilt got the best of me and I headed out the door to try it again. I made it another 30 miles and felt like I couldn't even turn over the pedals. I tried to push on but I was done...completely over being on the bike and could think of nothing more then stopping, so I did. I made it 150 miles (cutting the ride 70 miles short) before I went for my run. This is where the day got worse. Peter wanted me to run a quick 5 miles off the bike but since I cut the ride short my goal was 4 miles. I headed out the door and ran the fastest 4 miles I've run in months. I was so upset. What did that mean??? It's not fatigue, it's not nutrition, but instead it was something mental. It wasn't my body not able to pedal my bike...it was my mind not allowing me to do so. I know how to fix being tired, I know how to fix bonking but I don't know how to fix a mental barrier that has been developed related to cycling.
So where does the church sign come in...well on the group bike ride there was a sign in front of a church right outside of Gastonia that read,
"Failure is a success if you learn from the experience"
I felt like a complete failure on Saturday. I didn't even make it close to my goal mileage for the day and when I ran off the bike I felt fresh. That was not the type of workout I needed so close to my race. If the church sign was correct then I needed to learn from this failure and turn it into a success. I struggle with figuring out how to learn from this failure since it isn't anything tangible. It is something in my mind that needs to be identified and worked through.
The more I think about where I went wrong and why I was not mentally ready to ride this week I start to realize where I can make some changes this coming week. Last week I was housesitting/dogsitting so I wasn't at home and had three dogs to watch. That took me out of my element and routine. I'm back at home this week and have a recovery week in front of me. What I need to do this week to be sure I am ready for the next few weeks of training is as follows:
- Sleep more and take naps. I've been staying up later at night- partly due to reading a new book and partly due to not being able to sleep. I need to put the book down and do some Yoga before bed each night to ease my tension.
- Eat better. Since I don't have a job I can workout anytime of the day and as a result I eat meals at different times each day. I need to get back on a schedule and stick to it. My calorie count has been dropping because of shifting these meal times around.
- Stop obsessing about being unemployed. For someone who doesn't have a job I am way to stressed out all the time. This has effected both my sleeping and eating as well as my mood. Things will work out and I just need to have faith and focus on the task at hand.
There it is. Three simple things to do over the coming weeks. I have under a month now and my nerves are becoming more unsettled every day...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Just got paid, Friday night, Party huntin', feelin' right
As much as I would like to say that this is the theme song of my life it couldn't be any further from the truth. In fact, if it were my life's theme song it would sound more like this:
Got no job, Friday night, 8:00pm bedtime, Legs feel tight
Bottles made up, Gel flasks too
Alarm is set for, a lil after 2
That sounds more like the Friday nights of late. I was hoping that last weekend was going to be the last of the really long workouts and the taper would begin. I was hoping that I'd be able to stay up a little later on a Friday night and sleep in a little more on Saturday (or should I say Friday night). Unfortunately that is not the case. Tomorrow is another long training day. I will start by 3:45am and hope to finish by 8:00pm. Just enough time to eat, go back to sleep and do it again on Sunday.
The race is four weeks from tomorrow. 29 days from this very moment I will be 14 hours into the race and it will not even be halfway complete. 29 days sounds far away right? Well to me it is close enough that I get sick to my stomach thinking about it but far enough away for me to say, "I've got plenty of time!" Part of me wants the race to be here now but the other part of me never wants the race to get here. One minute I say, "I am so excited about this race" and the next I'm saying, "What the heck was I thinking?"
The reality is my race is right around the corner. Over the past few months I have put in some serious training time. My weekends are completely devoted to training. If I were employed full time there would be no way I would have made it this far. Along the way I've made plenty of sacrifices and have justified things many times over. I've had good times and bad times. I've smiled and cried. I've ridden my bike through both sunrises and sunsets, and lately they have been on the same day. Through all of this I have learned a lot about myself. That is partly why I did this. To test myself and put me into unfamiliar territory where I would need to dig deep inside myself. Deep down I am optimistic about this race and hope to come out of this experience a better person. I have so much more to give in life. Lately I've been feeling as if my life is just now ready to begin. That everything I've done in the past has molded me into what I am today. Each and every experience, both positive and negative, has impacted me and helped me to find myself. I feel like I am so close to finding the answers I am looking for. I feel as if I am ready to live and ready to give. I've made it to this point in my life with only one regret and that, more then anything, has helped fuel this fire inside of me to figure out who I am and why I'm here.
The clock is about to strike 8:00pm. The dog is fast asleep and I am not to far behind her. A few hours from now I will be back out on the bike, in the dark, alone with my thoughts. Good night!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Food Glorious Food - A Case Study
It has taken me a few months to refine my nutrition plan for the bike portion of my race. With a little over a month until race day I still have some more refining to do. I have my eating schedule in place but I need to make some more food substitutions and still want to try some new things. Before I tell you what I eat I think it is important to first explain when I eat because that took just as much work to figure out. Every workout for the past few months has been an experiment. Whether I am swimming, biking or running I am always trying new foods, new gels, new liquids and new drugs (Imodium, Pepto and so forth). I feel like my life is an experiment. I am the scientist and the subject! That is why this is a case study.
The subject (me!) is a 34 year old male training for a double iron distance triathlon. His current weight is 152 pounds and he trains, on average, approximately 30-40 hours per week. His rough estimate for a daily calorie consumption (from meals and snacks) is at least 5000 calories and water consumption is at least 150 ounces a day.
The current bike nutritional plan is timed on the hourly clock and not on the workout clock. That may sound confusing so let me explain. Instead of eating and drinking at intervals from the start of the workout (the time I press Start on my watch at the beginning of the workout) I now eat and drink at intervals based on the time of day. I decided to do this because there are times when I need to take breaks during the workouts and when I am not moving forward I still need to be eating and drinking so that I don't get behind. The time in between calorie consumption is the same but is easier to follow and will make it much easier for my crew during the race since they will just need to look at the time of day to figure out what I need to be eating and drinking.
Here is the breakdown:
- On the top of each hour (60 min mark) I take some E-gel
- Every 15 minutes (15, 30, 45 and 60) I drink plain water
- Every 20 minutes (20, 40, 60) I drink a Sustained Energy mix (my secret)
- At the bottom of each hour (30 min mark) I eat some solid food
- Depending on the conditions salt tabs are consumed on the 30 and 60 min marks
As you can see I pretty much am eating or drinking something every 10 minutes while on the bike. I will plan to do this for the entire 224 mile bike portion of my race. I am aiming to consume at least 400-450 calories an hour. That may not sound like a lot but I am figuring to be on the bike for 14 or so hours so that adds up quickly.
Here is the case study- Last Saturday my bike ride was 210 miles (I actually cut it shorter then what I was suppose to do believe it or not). I started riding a little before 4:00am and finished a little after 7:00pm. I did eat breakfast at 3:00am before I started working out and I ate dinner at 9:00pm after my run. The list of food below is only what I consumed on the bike and not in meals for the day. This is what I consumed while on the bike.
- 10 E-gels, 1500 calories
- 14 scoops of Sustained Energy, 1554 calories
- 3 Sandwiches (Canadian Bacon and cheddar on a potato roll), 495 calories
- 2 Powerbars, 480 calories
- 4 Nature Valley Granola Bars, 560 calories
- 2 Uncrustable sandwiches, 420 calories
- 6 Fig Newton bars, 600 calories
- 2 Pay Day and 1 Snickers bars, 750 calories
- 1 banana, approx 80 calories
- 2 cups (16 oz) of sweetened apple sauce (I gots the Motts!), 400 calories
- Gatorade, 290 calories
I think that pretty much sums up my day on the bike last Saturday. Now for our total calorie count...drum roll please....7129 calories consumed while sitting on my bike seat. Yummy! There you have it. I'll admit that I'm even a little surprised to see the total number. Add is the calories from the meals I ate and I consumed almost 10,000 calories last Saturday. Michael Phelps has nothing on my diet! 31 days until race day...but who's counting right!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A bee sting, a bloody toe, Beth Orton and The Be Good Tanyas
On to the bloody toe. I should mention that for the first time since 2007 I have all ten toenails. Marathon running, ironman training then ultra running have pretty much destroyed my feet. This year though all my toenails have all grown back and my feet look almost normal...until now. So after the bike ride Monday I was suppose to get off the bike and run for 4 hours. It was already challenging enough to run with only one eye but those of you that know Portland CT know that there is no such thing as flat! I choose some loops that I would consider to be less hilly but apparently the downhill running and the feet slamming into the front of the shoe resulted into the ripping off of a toenail and a bloody mess. Now I am down to 9 toenails. Oh well...
Monday, August 24, 2009
I am a fat ass!
On Saturday morning at 5:05am I was riding the bike when all of a sudden the left side of my bike seat dropped down slightly. I reached down and pulled it up. I thought to myself, "that was weird maybe the seat is loose." About a minute later it dropped down again, so I reached down again and fixed it. This went on for about three miles until I got really frustrated. I was meeting a friend at 5:45am to ride so I made the decision to sprint home and tighten the seat before I met her. Luckily I was about four miles from my house.
When I got into my apartment and turned on the light I realized that the seat wasn't loose. I broke one of the rails on the seat. The seat has titanium rails for goodness sake. Titanium is suppose to be one of the lightest and strongest metals. I know I've gained a pound or two this week, I tipped the scale at 154 on Saturday, but seriously I don't think that I should be breaking bike seats. This is just more proof that I am covering distances that bikes aren't designed for. Man 1 Machine 0. Man beats machine!
Since I had to meet Shenna in about 10 minutes I had to switch bikes. I took all the bottles, the lights and the food off of my triathlon bike and put it on my road bike. Sometimes it is nice to have more than one bike. People need options! Here's the catch though- about a month ago I cracked the rear rim on my road bike. Not because I am a fat ass but because the Bontrager wheels on it are crap. Sorry Bontrager...they are crap! So when I was swapping all of the stuff from bike to bike I also had to swap the rear wheel. Because Bontrager uses a "special" spacer on the rear cassette the spacing is slightly different. What does that mean you ask??? It means that when I am in 5 of the 10 gears in the back and stand up to pedal the bike shifts on it's own. Since the spacing is slightly off the bike rides in between gears and shifts automatically. So now I have a bike with a broken seat and a bike that shifts at the most inopportune time. What a way to start off a Saturday huh!
This actually worked to my benefit though. I had two options at this point. I could be stressed out and upset that things weren't going according to plan or just adapt and roll with the punches. It is no surprise that I am a planner and have a schedule so I am not one to adapt to change well. I used this as an opportunity to work on my patience and ability to adapt in these types of situations. If something were to happen in my race I would need to adapt so this was good practice. I took some deep breaths and back out the door I went...
Each weekend I learn and discover something new about myself. Training for this race truly has been a great experience. Once the race is over and I can get back to a more normal existence I will have more than just the satisfaction of completing my goal. I will have a deeper and more clear understanding of myself.
48 days and 281.2 miles until that moment though...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hoping for a "Faster Tomorrow"
I wouldn't expect to yet but I needed a good starting sentence for my blog today.
Last Thursday I had a few hours where I had a complete lack of confidence in my ability to do this race. During this time I started doubting myself and my willingness to continue training. I know it sounds a tad dramatic but I wasn't feeling well at all. If I wasn't being held accountable by my coach and my increasing number of supporters I might have just thrown away the last few months of training. I know that backing out now would probably be one of the worst decisions I have made in life, one that I would always regret, so I started looking for help.
My focus was on supplementation. I take a multi-vitamin every day but started looking into my other options. Since EPO and HGH are out of the question I started looking at other products. Some of you may have heard of Optygen- I have friends who use this product and give it great reviews but I wanted to try something different and, to be honest, a little cheaper. I stumbled on a review of a product by Healthy Directions called ARX. It is an all natural product which satisfied one of my criteria and their opening line on the website grabbed my attention as well:
"ARX’s unique combination of ingredients helps to clear lactate from the bloodstream faster and circulate it to the rest of the body so that it can be used as an additional fuel source for exercise and other energy demands, improving your performance and reducing muscle recovery time."
Here is a link to their site: http://www.fastertomorrow.com/
It was important to me that whatever I decided to take was made only from natural ingredients. Since I am cutting out highly processed and chemically enhanced foods from my diet (as best I can) it didn't make sense to purchase a product that was nothing but chemicals. I need to be able to pronounce all the ingredients in the product! ARX is a blend of mushroom extracts, eleuthero root extract, tangerine peel extract, and Asian ginseng root extract. No chemicals, no fillers, nothing that I normally wouldn't eat (though I am not sure what eleuthero root is). My mind was made up- I would try ARX. If it works for Terenzo Bozzone maybe it would work for Kevin Johnson!
I ordered a two month supply and it arrived in the mail yesterday. I took the first dose of it this morning when I woke up. All of the product documentation states that it typically takes a few weeks to feel the products benefits so only time will tell if I will feel any performance improvement with this product or if my recovery time will decrease. I don't really care about the performance improvement but am really hoping that I notice a decrease in recovery time. With my training about to be at it's longest and most intense any additional help I can get will be welcomed. If it doesn't make a noticeable difference that is OK too. Since it is an all natural product and I will not feel guilty about taking it.
I also solicited some additional help from Sarah Neumann, a fantastic nutritionist and superb athlete, and with her help I will be looking for new multi-vitamin and mineral supplements as well. This will probably have to wait until after my race since I don't want to make to many changes at once with less then two months to go. Perhaps with Sarah's advice I will find the right products for me for the 2010 season...provided I don't retire after this race.
My confidence sways back and forth like the wind but I still have some time to get in the right frame of mind. I am so fortunate to have the support of so many different people. People from all over the country, and now all over the world! Who would have thought people from other countries would stumble on to my blog. Thanks everyone!
Happy training!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
56 days but who's counting???
The changes to my training are easy- swim, swim and swim. I have missed less than five workouts in the past few months but four of them have been swims. It would appear that I am not taking the swim portion of this race seriously. Over the next few weeks I need to hit all my swim workouts and feel good about them. 4.8 miles of lake swimming before biking and running will surely tire me out so I need to get into the water in Oct and feel ready to efficiently tackle that distance. So far I am not feeling the swim confidence that I need. Thank goodness for wetsuits...
The changes to my nutrition will make or break me on race day. The last few weekends have been tough and I am having a hard time determining whether or not it was a faulty nutrition plan or if it was the heat and humidity. More than likely it was a combination of both but here is what I am thinking. Alcohol = NO!!! I will not consume any alcohol in the next 8 weeks. I am certainly not a "one and done" drinker so there is no need to try to learn restraint now. It's all or nothing and unfortunately I have to choose the nothing. Secondly, I am cutting out the majority of the highly processed sugary foods from my nutrition plan. Today was the first step in that direction. Today I did not eat any Pop Tarts, Zebra Cakes or Oatmeal Creme Pies. I focused solely on liquid nutrition (I will reveal my new concoction once I refine the measurements a few more times) and solid foods. I have a few more things to try next week so more details will follow about this as training continues. There are a few supplements that I am considering trying as well so I will post about them when I make up my mind.
Lastly, some changes in my life will help me reduce unnecessary stress and allow me to focus on my goal of completing this race. Don't get any crazy ideas about what I am implying though. I am referring to my decision not to pursue full time employment until Oct. Last week I made the decision to move some money around to be able to stay out of corporate America for two more months and allow me to train as my coach recommends. Honestly I want to not only finish this race but finish it strong and feeling good. This will make more sense to you if you knew a little about my coach- google Peter Kotland and you'll see why he trains me the way he does! I think he's crazy but I am doing things I never thought I'd be able to do! (Thanks Peter!) I am still applying for jobs and interviewing but I will not consider a start date until at least Oct 13. Whew...that decision lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to step outside of the corporate America mold for a year and try some new things but come Oct I am ready and willing to return. I have learned so many things in the past year and am ready to make a comeback and apply these life lessons to the corporate world.
So there you have it- crunch time. 56 days will fly by quickly so I need to be smart and focused.
Thanks to everyone for all your encouragement and support. I truly mean it when I say I would not be able to do this without you. Swim, bike, run, eat, sleep.....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
MRS 2000+ Trial

There are several settings on the machine including time of day (as different bodily process are stimulated at different times of the day), duration and intensity. For me what would be important is the intensity setting. Rick recommended that I use the intensity setting of 400 for eight minutes prior to my workouts to warm up and energize my cells. He also recommended the intensity setting of 25 for 16 minutes after my workouts to maximize cell recovery. While I was demoing the system at home Rick was speaking with the doctor who helped create the device and they agreed that the 400 setting was no where near intense enough for someone with my endurance ability. I found that humorous since in the system's owners manual I read this statement, "It is recommended that you do not exceed an intensity level of 100 for full body application unless it has been recommended by a therapist." If the average person should not exceed an intensity setting of 100 and the machine's maximum intensity setting is 400 what would the setting need to be for someone training the way I am? That question still has remained unanswered.
Unfortunately I didn't notice any performance improvement or speed of recovery while using the MRS 2000+ system. While the machine certainly did not impede my ability I didn't notice any appreciable difference. While I was a little skeptical I really was hoping for some performance edge while using this product. If there is anyone reading this who would like to try the MRS 2000+ I would suggest it and can get you in touch with Rick. Rick and I would be interested to see how someone whose training isn't as intense as mine would feel while using this device. I am glad I was given the opportunity to try something different. You never know who you'll meet in life.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I get by with a little help from my friends
Last week while I was dropping Luna off at doggie daycare I realized that there is no way I could do what I am doing without the help and support of my friends. Training for this race is much bigger then just me. There is a whole group of people who have done so much for me along the way. It is this help and support that has made it possible for me to do this. The more I think about it the more I realize that I have the easy part. All I have to do is move forward. So the answer to the question, "How do you do it?" is this- I can do it because I have the help and support of so many people willing to help me achieve my goal. I am so fortunate to be able to call these people my friends.
It is comforting to know that I have the support of so many different people. It sets my mind at ease and allows me to focus more on my training. I have had help with taking care of Luna while I train, I have had many different people to train with, I have had advice and suggestions along the way, but most importantly I have had nothing but positive encouragement from pretty much everyone. Most people think I'm crazy and constantly remind me how nuts they think I am but these same people have also supported me from the beginning. I really am a lucky person.
These realizations came at a good time because this past Saturday I had a mental breakdown while on the bike. Unlike last weekend where I felt my body was completely breaking down this weekend I felt that my mind was falling apart. I'm not going to lie and tell you I wasn't crying. As the day went on there were more and more tears being shed. I was starting to tell myself that I could not do this anymore and that I would not be able to finish this race. What is worse is that in my heat induced exhaustion I was starting to believe that I wouldn't be able to do this. I just wanted to give up and throw in the towel. Once my mind started to falter my body started to follow it. I started thinking that I could not turn the pedals anymore and that there was no way I could get off the bike and run. I didn't want to finish my workout. Sitting down and quitting seemed so much easier of an option. In endurance racing you have highs and lows. I can now say that I have seen the bottom. I did get off the bike on Saturday and ran...I finished my workout and then collapsed.
Two weekends in a row I have seen how much more powerful the body is than the mind. It is an extremely important lesson and I'll need to remember this on race day. When my mind starts to tell my body to stop I must convince my mind that I can go further. I know my body will be ready so I have a little over eight weeks to get my mind ready. I know how to train my body but am not really sure how to train my mind. I still have some more work cut out for me.
This weekend was a huge training weekend and looking back I have a great sense of accomplishment. A big thanks to Christy at Carolina Doggie Playland for picking up Luna and letting her play all morning. Another big thanks to Sarah for meeting me at 5:45am on a weekend to join me for part of my ride. Thanks to Melissa and Jason for helping me through my workout on Sunday morning and most importantly a big thank you to anyone who is reading this blog. It is your constant support and encouragement that has helped me get to where I am now. I am so lucky and so thankful.
Recovery week here I come!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My first bonk session...aka Bonkfest 2009!
I can attest to this effect. That pretty much sums up part of my workout last Saturday. Just a few days prior I was telling someone that I had never bonked before and as the saying goes, "there is a first time for everything."
For the first time since I have been blogging I am going to share what my workout was since it will help set up the story and the important lessons that I learned. I have been hesitant to share this type of information so far because I don't want my blog to be focused on times, distances, speeds or paces. For me it is about what I am learning about myself and my body along the way.
Saturday's workout, as designed by Peter, was 210 miles on the bike followed by a 5 mile transition run. 210 miles was the going to be the furthest I had ridden so far in my training (and only 14 miles less than the bike leg of my race). I expected the ride to take me about 12 hours and 40 minutes to complete so as usual I started in the wee wee hours of the morning. When the alarm went off Saturday morning (well Friday night really!) I didn't want to get up. I only had 10 hours of sleep in the past two days. I should have listened to my body and slept a little longer but I decided to get up and start moving. Within the first 20 miles I knew that I was going to be in trouble. I felt heavy and sluggish and my mood was far from ideal going into a 13+ hour workout.
The first 110 miles did go by pretty quickly and I felt better with each dose of caffeine I ingested. My intention for the second half of the ride was to stop using Perpetuem and stop at a Subway and get a 6" turkey sandwich. Melinda suggested it as an alternative to all the highly processed sugar foods I typically eat. I thought it sounded like a good idea. More filling, lower glycemic index and quality protein/carbs. My workout was going to be named "Eat Fresh"! Lets just say that things didn't go according to plan. I did have food on me for the second half of the ride but the sandwich was figured into my nutrition plan for the day. There was no Subway along my route. Who knew??? I thought there was one but when I got to the plaza it was a Chinese buffet. I didn't think that would have been a good option so I just rolled by.
Lets skip ahead 50 miles of headwinds and sunny skies- after a few more hours of riding at about mile 160 I completely cracked. I had officially bonked! I hit the wall and hit it hard. The temp was in the mid 80's and sunny yet I was freezing cold with goosebumps and simultaneously sweating out of every pore in my body. I was so irrationally angry and started to get really light headed. Luckily I knew there was a store close by. I bought 2 packages of Soft Batch cookies (620 calories), some Poptarts (400 calories), Gatorade and some water. I staggered over to a random picnic table in the shade and laid myself out on it. After about 30 minutes the calories started pulling me back to awareness and I started to feel better. Nothing like a skinny kid in spandex laying on a picnic table outside of a bait and tackle shop / gas station / short order grill.
I got back on the bike and slowly made my way back to Charlotte while continuing to eat and drink along the way. I got back to Inside Out Sports at mile 188. I use the store as my aid station on my long rides since all my loops start and end there. I sat down for a few minutes, ate some more and felt started to feel even better. I got up, did a few loops around the Booty Loop, and rode back home ending up with 206 miles on the day. Close enough to 210 if you ask me! I got off the bike and started my run...
The reason I hit the wall was because I was in some serious calorie deficiency. I felt it coming on but yet I didn't stop to get more food. I wasn't thinking clearly which should have been my first indication that something was wrong. I will not let that happen again. Every weekend when I ride my stomach starts to shut down between miles 100 and 120. I have done a good job of forcing myself to eat when this happens and until this past weekend have stayed in the clear. Add to that the fact I wasn't well rested and there you have it- Bonkfest 2009! What is truly amazing to me is that once the food I ate started to be digested I went from barely being able to move to riding again and ready to run off the bike. I've always heard that the body is capable of doing so much more than the brain thinks it can and now I have witnessed that. My brain was saying that I couldn't go on anymore but my body was ready for more once it was refueled. As much as I would have rather not gone through that experience I am so glad that I did.
With my race less than 10 weeks away I now know that my body can handle the distances and I will be physically ready. The harder part will be convincing myself that I can continue to move forward when my brain is screaming to stop! Constant fueling along the way will be crucial.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
When the fun is gone
I've recently met someone who is training for her first half marathon. She's having fun while doing it and has commented she will only run for as long as running remains fun. That makes sense to me and I can understand where she is coming from. Again, why would you do something that isn't fun?
I still enjoy swimming (sometimes), biking and running but more and more lately I am not having fun training for this race. Training has totally consumed every aspect of my life. It is all I do and all I have time to do. Some weeks near 40 hours of training and my Saturday's are completely spent working out. I knew this race would be a big commitment but I didn't think it would be to this extent. It is just as draining mentally as it is physically. The ability for me to stay motivated is becoming a little harder each week. I am still excited about this race but a little more each week I am just wishing it was already over. I start thinking about life post-race when I can have my time back. Those thoughts are not good ones to have going into a race that will take all that I have physically and mentally to finish. Training with Peter is preparing my body for this race. What I am worried about now is that my mind won't be ready.
So what happens when the fun is gone...I think the answer for me is that negativity sets in. I don't want to be negative but it is getting harder to find the fun in all this training. Yesterday I had company for a good part of my long run and we talked briefly about a similar topic. A comment was made about how lucky we are to see the world through a much slower pace, running, and how much more we are able to notice as compared to speeding around in cars. Anyone who has run or biked will attest to being able to see a lot more of the world this way. I used to have fun noticing little things that I've never seen before but lately my mind is in other places. I'm not looking around and seeing the beauty in the little things. There is so much beauty out there and I am not taking advantage of the opportunities to see it.
As I sit here writing this blog this morning I am making a promise to myself that I will make more of an effort to have fun these last 10 weeks of training. I will try harder to find the beauty in the things that I once noticed but lately seem long forgotten. I need to shift my mindset from thinking of my training as a chore to reminding myself that I do this for fun. It is a hobby and I am the one that made the choice to do this. When the fun is gone...one must work towards getting it back.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Improper nutrition + lack of sleep = poor recovery week
The week started out OK and I did all of my workouts but as the week went on I wasn't eating appropriately and wasn't sleeping well. On Saturday and Sunday I certainly felt the effects. My workouts this past weekend were litteraly half as long as the weekend before but really did feel about twice as hard. Part of it was the weather but I think a lot of it had to do with not being well rested and not being propely fueled. One of the best things about training is that you learn things about your body and how different stimuli effect your body in different ways. What I learned this past weekend is that I need to keep my calorie intake up and make sure I sleep as much as possible going into the weekend.
My last blog was about my issues with food. These issues still continue so this week one of my goals is to reach out to a few nutritionists and find someone to work with. I need some new ideas, some new foods to try, and a solid plan for pre and post workout meals. The lack of sleep part is easy to resolve- I simply need to sleep more. Since I am semi-unemployed at the moment I have no excuse not to sleep in. Today I slept until 6:30am. It feels like the day is almost half over already but I do feel well rested.
With a recovery week behind me and 11 weeks until race day I am still feeling good. I am a little afraid of what Peter has in store for me over the coming weeks but I am ready to continue building up my training volume. So far so good...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Food- the hardest part about training
More often than not I find myself staring into the fridge and pantry, my stomach turning, and nothing looks good to me. It is frustrating to say the least. My body is starving for calories but it takes all that I have to be able to eat. What makes it worse is that these feelings are inconsistent throughout the day. One minute I can be sick to my stomach when I think about food and the next minute I get so hungry there isn't enough food in front of me to satisfy my appetite.
On the weekends when I do my longest bike rides I wake up in the middle of the night and eat. Last weekend I ate all 960 calories of a Trader Joe's spinach pizza at 2:15am. I woke up to use the bathroom and was ravaged by hunger so I thought I'd eat something...I didn't expect to destroy a whole pizza before going back to bed. I suppose my body needed it though. I eat a fairly healthy diet but the further I go into training for this race the more junk food I pump into my body. When I am sick to my stomach and nothing in my house looks good to me I turn to highly processed sugary foods and they always seem to go down easy. Of course after I eat it I feel guilty because it is not what I normally would eat and is far from natural and whole. Food used to be fun and I loved trying new things. Now food has turned into a challenge and what I end up eating half of the time is far from nutritionally balanced. I think I may need to turn to another nutritionist to help me in my last few months of training. I need some new ideas of new foods to try and I need to be eating the most nutritionally dense foods out there to make sure I am giving my body what it needs.
Do you remember the Michael Phelps diet skit on Saturday Night Live? They joked about him eating 10,000 calories a day? Well that sometimes feels like my reality...except that I can't stomach it. I get so hungry sometimes I feel sick, then I eat and feel even more sick, until it is digested and I feel normal again. Training is slowly turning me against food which was once one of the best things about training. I used to train so I could eat without guilt...now I eat, with guilt, just to have the fuel to be able to train. Who would have thought.
Today I need to thank Melinda Yelton. Last season's coach, a good friend, and an amazing athlete. For the past two Wednesday's she has run part of my long runs with me. Sometimes I feel that I am out there by myself and doing this alone so it is nice to have someones company for parts of my runs. She has helped to keep me motivated, kept me on pace, and has given me so much good advice. Thanks Melinda for all of your help, your company, and your friendship.
This may come as a shock but...off to the pool I go!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
This past week I looked in the mirror and for the first time in the four years since I've lost all my weight I noticed my body changing again. For those who didn't know me a few years ago I used to weigh a little over 200 pounds. Through a combination of diet and exercise I lost about 50 pounds (as much at 65 at one point) in a few month period and have been fortunate to keep it off. This week I also realized that my shorts don't fit right anymore. I haven't lost any more weight but have lost at least another inch off my waist. If I didn't know better I'd say my waist is down to 30". No 6'1" grown man should have a 30" waist!!! The good news is that my weight is being maintained. Any body fat I had is being used as fuel and in it's place muscles seem to be growing. Through the combination of swimming, biking and running my body is changing yet again.
I pretty much feel completely exhausted most of the time. As a result I seem to be crankier, grumpier, and more forgetfull. I've come close to letting some bills slip through the cracks and sometimes catch myself being irrationally upset for no reason. Sometimes the littlest of things upset me. I would consider myself a pretty happy go lucky person who smiles and laughs at most things. Lately I feel like a completely different person. Smiling seems to be further and far between and almost daily I seem to forget something that moments earlier I had told myself not to.
Today when I finished my workout Luna and I went to the grocery store. I walked out to the car and opened the door to get in and I realized that my car is filthy. I thought to myself, "what have I become?" My car is never dirty! I have been training so much that I've let that slip too. What's next??? What else am I forgetting to do these days?
Don't get me wrong- I am still excited about my race. I have no regrets with regards to the sacrifices that I've had to make to train for it but I dream of what my life will be like after the race is over. I can't wait to sleep in both during the week and on the weekends. I can't wait to have a social life again. Three different people have asked me this week what my social life is like these days and I've had to respond to them that I don't have one. In the last few weeks I have made more of an effort to get out of the house, do some things, and meet some new people and am so glad I did. I can't keep hiding behind my training as an excuse not to move forward in certain areas of my life. I am working on finding a happy medium- a balance between training and living.
Come October I will be ready to have my life back, to smile more and to do the things that I haven't been able to do lately.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Strip clubs and McDonalds
For the past five weeks my alarm has been set for 2:47am on Saturday morning. My goal has been to get out on the bike by 3:45am to start my workout. I have done this because I think it is good training considering my race will take more than 24 hours to complete and because for me to get in the mileage that Peter wants me to do I need to start that early. The hardest thing about getting up this early is trying to eat breakfast at 3:00am. Drinking coffee at this time is easy but forcing yourself to eat a bagel, peanut butter, a banana and yogurt that early is quite a task. It honestly hasn't gotten any easier over the past few weeks. My stomach just isn't ready to eat that early but I know I have to. However, I have honed my routine and can get out the door a little earlier each week! By the time the race comes I expect to be out the door riding before 3:00am.
So you may be asking yourself where do strip clubs and McDonalds come into play? I assure you that strip clubs are not a part of training nor is McDonalds part of my diet! When I leave my apartment to ride my bike at 3:45ish in the morning the only people I see are those at a nearby strip club and those waiting in line at a McDonalds drive thru. By leaving my house at the time I do I ride past the Topless Carousel (aka The Big Top apparently) just about the time they are closing. I typically see about 20-30 men standing around in the parking lot, cars running (backed into their parking spots of course) with the systems kicking, and if I'm lucky someone will yell something at me snapping me out of my trance-like state. I am awake and riding my bike while people are still up drinking and staring at women they have absolutely no chance with. It cracks me up. I feel like I should know the security guards that I wave to. I'm sure I'm the only person dumb enough to be riding their bike that early on a Saturday morning.
About a mile later I pass by a McDonalds. I find this even more amusing. Each week the line for the drive thru is wrapped completely around the building. How many people really want to eat McDonalds at this time of the night (or morning as I call it)? You wonder why there is a fattening of America. While I am thinking about it- I wonder if they are serving lunch\dinner at this time of night or do they switch over to breakfast at a certain time? I could go for some pancakes if they would serve them to a skinny kid on a bike.
What does all this have to do with my training you ask? Well, these are the people who are out on the road driving towards me. I'm sure we would all agree that they are drunk at this point and most of them distracted with shoving greasy fast food into their faces. If there ever is a time that I am terrified and feel completely vulnerable...it is at this time. My bike is lit up like a Christmas tree but that can only do so much. I hope so hard that people see me. Each car that passes me without knocking me down or running me over is a small personal victory. Its like I am gambling and sometimes I wonder when my luck will run out. Each week as the training gets longer and I have to get out on the road a little earlier I wonder if I'll make it home safely at the end of the day. When I committed myself to this race I never thought I'd be waking up this early to ride my bike.
I'm tired, I'm scared and am still wondering if I have what it takes to complete this race. With 13 weeks until race day I question if I have what it takes both physically and mentally to cross the finish line before the 36 hour cutoff time. I know all about the highs and lows that come with endurance racing and am putting in my time with regards to training but I am not sure if it will be enough. The mind is a powerful thing and I hope, when necessary, I can muster the strength to control it and convince my body to continue to move forward. Only time will tell...
If you know me then you have more than likely met my dog Luna. She is my pride and joy. She is my world and one of my most favorite things. I would not be able to take care of her while training the way I do without the help of Craig, Christy and Susan from Carolina Doggie Playland (http://carolinadoggieplayland.com/). They have been so helpful and have helped to set my mind at ease when I am out all day on the weekends to train. I couldn't even come close to thanking them enough for all of their help. Not only do they support me in what I have set out to do but they love my dog and take such good care of her. If you have a pet then you know how important this is. Thank you Craig, Christy and Susan (and all the other staff of course!) for being such amazing people and taking such good care of all the dogs that come your way. Luna says, "Woof!"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The more I train the slower I become
Typically, when you train and recover properly improvements are made and you get stronger and faster. Ahh...the big difference between the previous sentence and my training is the word "recovery". Unfortunately for me that word is not part of my training plan. I knew that going into this but it is still frustrating to be moving in the opposite direction. With my training there is a little recovery between workouts but I pretty much train tired and fatigued all the time. I realize the distances I am training for do not allow time for recovery (there simply isn't enough time in a week) and I know that during the race in October there will be no racing- it will purely be a test of my physical and mental endurance. The only speed necessary will be to get from the start line to the finish line in less than 36 hours.
All of this I know but I still get frustrated. There I said it one last time. I feel a little better now. I don't think that being frustrated is a bad thing though. It helps motivate me to do the next workout to the best of my ability and push through. Peter has a plan for me and it is with his experience I will be ready come race day.
Though my speed is not increasing my endurance certainly is heading in the right direction. I am now starting to cover distances I never considered before. Each week is a new milestone, a new personal best. If I wasn't so tired all the time I'd probably be more excited about that fact. A few weeks ago I emailed Peter and told him that I thought I should take it easy as I felt like I hadn't recovered from the American Triple T. He pretty much told me to harden up and that my body will get use to being exhausted. As much as I hate to admit it he is 100% right. I constantly feel fatigued but I keep moving forward. I am always tired but each day I seem a little less tired. I may not be as fast as I would like but speed isn't my goal. Covering 281.2 miles in less than a day and a half is my goal! Whatever it takes to get me to complete this goal is what I will do. Fatigued or not! For the time being I will have to accept the fact, and happily at that, that the more I train the slower I will become.
One last thought- I would not be where I am now without the help, guidance, advice, and most importantly friendship of Bob Nixon and Melissa Bell. In the two years I have been involved in this multi-sport lifestyle Bob and Melissa have been there every step of the way for me. I will never be able to thank them enough for all they have done for me. They truly are some of the nicest and most caring people I have ever met. I am honored to be able to call them friends. They both mean the world to me. Thank you Bob and Melissa for being who you are, everything you have done, and for getting me to where I am today. (I think being fatigued also makes me emotional!)